Death Stranding: 6 Reasons It Could Be FANTASTIC (And 5 It Could Be A Disaster)

8. Interesting Themes That Bleed Into Gameplay

Death stranding
Kojima Productions

A major part of Kojima's new world seems to be the themes that permeate its story. The game director has mentioned numerous times over the past few months that Death Stranding is heavily centred around modern politics, citing that it's a game about reconnecting a desolate world that has torn itself apart.

While discussing more morally ambiguous real-world issues isn't exactly new ground for Kojima, the way his new focus on political disconnection bleeds into gameplay looks to not only mention this sentiment but make it an integral aspect of the gameplay.

Navigating through the world, Sam's main objective is to establish connections with isolated settlements, once again reuniting the world and forming a cohesive community.

Delivering packages to different settlements begins to establish strands between them, bringing Sam once step closer to his goal. It's an interesting way to approach social commentary in video games, but also one that carries a beautiful message that's especially relevant in 2019.

If it continues to be an integral aspect of Death Stranding's identity, Kojima's new title could be one that approaches politics in a bold, progressive and entirely new way.


Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.