Death Stranding Trailer Breakdown: 10 Things You Need To See

3. The Enemy Soldiers

Death Stranding
Kojima Productions

At the opposite end of the tunnel we find more soldiers, this time they are connected to Mads Mikkelsen's character directly. He appears to be leading them as the step in to shot and take up a covering position.

These are much like the other skeletal soldiers on the bridge, wearing older World War 2-era combat fatigues. According to the unit flashes, they appear to be US Airborne troopers and are equipped with the M1 Garand rifles that were used at that time.

Mads' character, on the other hand, is wearing very modern looking fatigues and webbing, and has night vision goggles as well as what looks like an M4 assault rifle.

Oh, and he clearly isn't a skeleton either - which adds to the worrying idea of the organic tank from earlier seeing as Mads' character is also covered in/seeping the black oil substance.


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