Destiny: 10 Missing Features It Desperately Needs

9. A Proper Map

How bitterly ironic for players expressing disappointment in the size of Destiny's planets to simultaneously wind up lost. The Hive alcoves of the Moon and the rusted halls of Earth's Cosmodrome are two of the more common mazes, but much of Destiny can leave players dithering about in circles due to the lack of reference guides. Keeping your left hand pressed to the wall is no answer when you have a specific objective in mind, and the situation is only made more bittersweet by the fact that due to the aforementioned repetition inherent in the game's lazily reiterated missions, you'll eventually memorise the layout of certain areas anyway. The addition of a map would do away with the head-scratching that has already begun among players, better facilitate cooperation among Fireteams - "No, I can see you on my map; you need to turn left at the next corridor." - and further the intrigue of forthcoming content. Destiny is sprinting helter-skelter down a 10-year plan, so let us see how those forthcoming planets, Strikes and Raids can differ from what we've already seen. Elevation, density, enemy choke points; it doesn't have to be a Metroid-level map, but give us a way to see what we're dealing with.
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A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.