Destiny 2: 10 Big Things Bungie Must Fix

2. Bug Count

With the new console generation still early in its life cycle, developers are inordinately eager to get their next big thing on the market - whether it's polished or not. We're already seeing the results of this through myriad bug-ridden releases that put even Bethesda's slipshod track record to shame, the most glaring being Assassin's Creed Unity. But with its September birthday, Destiny is one of the forerunners of the train wreck brigade. Disconnects and crashes were rampant for months after release, and even today network bickering can make playing with friends nigh on impossible. Crashes, too, ended many a play session prematurely, most commonly if players, in their hubris, dared to open a menu during a loading screen. Then there's the plethora of raid bugs ranging from stuck doors to game-breaking non-spawns. But the most famous of Destiny's technical hiccups are the many holes in the Vault of Glass and Crota's End raids, better known as "cheeses". Bosses have been pushed off maps, checkpoints have been obviated - anything and everything that can be broken has been shattered to pieces. These are bugs in the favour of easy loot, but they represent broken content regardless. More sinister cheese such as the new Crota Cable, which involves the raid's host literally disconnecting his Internet in order to paralyse the boss, are easier to forgive, but design oversight far outnumbers lapses in infrastructure. Long story short, games - especially games with over-costed DLC - shouldn't be broken. You know that, Bungie knows that, and Destiny 2 had better prove that we all know it.
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Destiny 2
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A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.