Destiny 2: 10 Reasons To Be Excited For The Future

7. A More Defined Long Term Road Map

destiny 2 the stranger

Destiny fans are no strangers to road maps, with each recent season's content described in loose detail just before launch. Cast your mind back to Destiny 1, however, and you'll also remember an even bigger road map that detailed the future of the franchise over multiple years.

It's been a while since there's been any sort of long term plan in place for the series outside of the seasons, but that all changed with the much anticipated arrival of the Darkness to the series. Now, the path seems far clearer.

One of Bungie's recent key goals was adding a sense of continuity to each story arc as it became available, with one event leading into the next and so on. Thought that hasn't quite gone off without a hitch, we now have the next two major expansions lined up through to 2022, the Witch Queen and Lightfall.

Though the latter is still somewhat of a mystery, the hints towards the Witch Queen began with last year's Shadowkeep expansion and further tidbits to the future are already dropping now. It bodes well for the series going forward, allowing Bungie to continually evolve the game without having to worry fans about what lays ahead.

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Born in Ireland and raised in Australia, Mark still wishes his Tetris and Mario Kart skills could translate to the real world more than just writing about games for nearly 20 years. Still, can't complain.