Destiny 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

8. Take Your Favourite Low-Level Gun Into The Crucible

Destiny 2

The main goal of Destiny is loot. You're always on the lookout for better gear than what you already have equipped. This is especially the case in the beginning of the game when almost every single drop will give you something better than what you have equipped.

However, when you find a gun that suits you, keep it. Even if there's one key stat that makes it 'inferior' - if that core feel is something you enjoy, do not dismantle.

Why, you ask? For PvP.

When it comes the Crucible, light level does not matter, so long as the playlist says "level advantages disabled." And spoiler alert, at this time, every mode says this.

Yes, some guns outclass others, but for the most part, at least this early in the stage, there are no guns that you absolutely need in the Crucible. So when you find a gun you like, keep it and use it. If you like using auto rifles but your highest damage-outputting gun is a scout rifle, you're going to be glad you kept that one from awhile ago.

Another reason for this is unlike in the first Destiny, drops and loot are no longer determined by the light level of the gear you currently have equipped, but by what's in your inventory. So you don't have to worry about that green rifle hurting your chances of getting a good drop.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.