Destiny 2: 9 Leaked Details & Speculations You Need To Know

2. Expansion Pass Content And Release Have Already Leaked

destiny the taken king

Video games in this era are a strange beast, where developers are pushing DLC even before their respective title is released. Destiny 2 was no different, with seemingly just as much information on the DLC being available as the main story itself.

The expansion passes will follow the same route they did in the first game, with one coming in Winter and the next in the following Spring. Now that players know a lot more about the lore of Destiny than they did going into the first expansions, simply the symbols of the new expansions have given way to loads of information.

Destiny 2 Expansion Passes

The first expansion will be centred around Osiris. Now those familiar with Destiny will be familiar with this name thanks to the highly competitive Trials of Osiris mode. This expansion will however most likely centre around Osiris himself, an old Warlock who has been exiled from the Lost City. Osiris was obsessed with the Vex, and it's believed he now resides on Mercury. With that said, the first expansion will more than likely centre around the Vex and Osiris' obsession with them, as well as any guardians trying to establish a reconnect.

The second expansion is not so cut and dry. The symbol featured is the one for Rasputin; a powerful Warmind A.I. that has been previously featured. It's also believed this symbol could be in reference to Charlemagne - another Warmind located on Mars. The Mars where the Cabal base in our solar system is located.

Whether the second expansion deals with Rasputin or Charlemagne - or both - it looks like Bungie may be focusing on expanding the lore of the Destiny universe.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.