Destiny 2 Gameplay Reveal: 10 Things We Learned
7. A Big Graphical Improvement, But Still Looks Exactly The Same
This one might sound a little confusing, so let's clarify this.
While the graphics and general rendering quality of everything has been significantly upgraded, the UI for Destiny 2 almost looks identical to its predecessor. Is this a bad thing? No, not at all, as there have been some minor tweaks here and there. But if you just simply look at the character screen where you choose your gear for your character, it almost looks lifted directly from the previous game.
Don't break what wasn't broken, apparently.
It doesn't end there, though. The pause menu, your HUD, the hub where you pick what planet to travel to - even the maps of areas, all look exactly the same. This is going to divide a lot of people, as some will label it as 'lazy', as it can make Destiny 2 look like nothing more than a glorified expansion, while others will say they loved how Destiny felt originally, so why change anything?
There's no denying that Destiny has a certain feel, look and atmosphere that Bungie believes they got right first time - one that's being carried over in its entirety into Destiny 2.