Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

7. Bundry Rothwild

Dishonored Brigmore Witches Delilah and Daud

The backbone of Dunwall's steampunk technology is whale oil, which is extracted from whales in the most unspeakably inhumane ways. As you'd expect, then, the owner of the city's leading whale slaughterhouse isn't exactly a fountain of morality.

Bundry Rothwild is this owner, and his approach to running the Rothwild slaughterhouse is nothing short of obscene. He feels nothing for the beasts his men haul in and disembowel; in his own words, "I've killed a hundred of [their] kind, and I'll kill a thousand more before I'm done". And even in spite of this, he still considers himself to have a heart.

At the time we meet Rothwild, a strike is in effect among his workers, which he is dealing with by docking their pay and subjecting them to hideous torture methods. The initiator of the strike, Abigail Ames, is held captive within the slaughterhouse, and, after rescuing her, Daud can choose between blowing up the whole slaughterhouse, or extracting information from Rothwild via his own electric chair.

Either way, it's nothing less than what this charlatan deserves.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.