Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

5. Admiral Havelock

Dishonored Brigmore Witches Delilah and Daud

Just when you thought it was safe to put your faith in another group of people after being framed for murder and put through absolute hell, things only get a thousand times worse.

Corvo is sprung from Coldridge Prison by a group called the Loyalists, who seek to depose Lord Regent Burrows and return Emily Kaldwin to the throne. Their leader, Admiral Farley Havelock, is a man of tremendous resolve and ambition, and although his reasons for helping you aren't completely clear, he does, for the most part, seem like he can be trusted.

That is, until he poisons you and leaves you for dead.

It's not exactly a shocking plot twist that the Loyalists turn on Corvo. But in Havelock's case, at least, his intentions were sincere right up until he realised that Corvo would never let him manipulate Emily when she became Empress. He makes himself Lord Regent, retreats to Burrows Lighthouse, and, depending on the Chaos level in the game, either poisons his two accomplices or attempts to commit murder-suicide by jumping off the top of the lighthouse with Emily.

It probably goes without saying here that the best way of dealing with Admiral Havelock is to put that folding sword of yours straight through his head.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.