Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

4. Hiram Burrows

Dishonored Brigmore Witches Delilah and Daud

As the mastermind behind Jessamine Kaldwin's murder and Corvo's eponymous dishonouring, Lord Regent Hiram Burrows is dressed up as the main villain of the game. And given that the entire goal of the Loyalists is to strip Burrows of his power and restore the rule over Dunwall to the young Empress, his downfall seems to be Corvo's last task - until his 'friends' have other ideas.

Pretty much everything in the first Dishonored game is Burrows's fault. Not only did he pay the assassin Daud to murder the Empress, have Emily sequestered away in a filthy brothel, and lie and cheat his way up the ranks, but he also deliberately (and naïvely) introduced the plague rats to The Isles, causing the deaths of millions of people.

Burrows also ordered a heavily fortified lighthouse built on Kingsparrow Island, which is the final setting of the game after the Loyalists retreat there in anticipation of Corvo's counterattack. In the Tower of Dunwall, Corvo can either kill him, which no-one would really blame him for; or, he can expose the Lord Regent's terrible deeds over the citywide broadcast system, after which Hiram presumably spends the rest of his days in Coldridge Prison.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.