Doom 4: 10 Big Reasons It'll Be The Best Shooter Of 2016
4. We're More Than Ready For An Old-School Shooter
Video games, especially first-person shooters, have changed a lot since Doom was first released. While older shooters challenged players with labyrinthian maps, limited heath and ammo, and mild puzzle elements, modern shooters tend to sacrifice these challenges in order to try to be more immersive and relentlessly cinematic. This current trend is what makes Doom 4 such an important release next year. In an effort to return back to the principles of the original games (badass demons, big effing guns, and moving really fast according to executive producer Marty Stratton), this new Doom is designed more like an old-school shooter. It will have med packs instead of health regeneration, and will also prioritize fast and frenzied shooting over taking cover or hiding. This is the result of a design philosophy that emphasizes forward momentum, and its a very retro way to design a video game, especially these days. So, while no one expects Doom 4 to play exactly the same as it originally did (for better or worse), its still nice to see a development team embrace some of the time-honoured ways of designing games, making this such a highly anticipated title for everyone who remembers a time when shooters were more formidable.