DOOM Eternal: Ranking EVERY Weapon From Worst To Best

6. Rocket Launcher

DOOM eternal weapons

In any other game, the Rocket Launcher would be the most powerful tool, to be used only in extreme circumstances. In Doom Eternal, it's part of the standard loadout. Fun, huh?

Part of what makes the Rocket Launcher such a valuable asset in Doom Guy's massive, massive arsenal (no pun intended) is just how applicable it is to every situation.

Need to stagger a particularly vicious Hell Knight? Fire away, soldier. Having trouble hitting a particularly quick Whiplash? Use the Lock On mod, Hero. Trying to damage the rear end of a Pinkie? Slap that Remote Detonation feature on there and go to town. Wait, ew.

The only thing the Rocket Launcher isn't good for is when you're up close and personal, because you'll be damaged just as much as the poor, brainless sap you're firing it at.

The creeping sense of shame that arises from watching a full, carefully collected armour level drop to zero is enough to make anybody blood punch the nearest wall. Keep mashing that dash button, and for the love of all that's holy, keep that crucible ready.

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.