DOOM Eternal: Ranking EVERY Weapon From Worst To Best

4. Crucible

DOOM eternal weapons
iD Software

Whoever it was at Id Software that had the idea to give Doom Guy a lightsaber deserves a serious raise.

Gameplay-wise, the Crucible functions in a similar way to the chainsaw: a one shot melee weapon. Yet whilst Chainsaw usage depends on the strength of the enemy, the Crucible is an equal opportunities eviscerator. With one fell swoop, Doom Guy can decapitate Super Heavies just as easily as fodder, all while fitting in perfectly at the hottest night clubs in town. Just don't go waving that thing around too much.

Although it takes a while to acquire the world's most powerful glo-stick, it's really only necessary in the latter half of the game. That's when enemies reeeaaally get nasty.

The Crucible is more of a reassurance than anything else, something to have in your back pocket in case you jump into a room with three Mini-Bosses. It's a strange feeling, breathing a sigh of relief as you unleash a giant laser sword, but oddly, one worth getting used to. Again though, be careful. You don't want to sit down and accidentally butt-ignite that thing.

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.