DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

1. Conclusion - Doom Eternal

Doom 2016 doom eternal
iD Software

Coming in with the winning score of 6 - 4, id Software and Bethesda's newest instalment proves that this franchise is nowhere near out of gas. But, don't let this make you look down on the previous Doom game or make you think twice about trying Eternal.

Doom 2016 managed to do the impossible: Take an idea from the '90s and modernize it for a whole generation, while still pleasing diehard fans.

Eternal was able to build upon this idea and create a more challenging and unique experience.

Sure, Doom 2016 was a little too easy in some parts and the multiplayer was uninspired. Yeah, Eternal's story was complicated and the learning curve was too steep, but that's just something the developers can improve on next time.

For now, let's just enjoy jumping back into the fray and raining hell on the armies of Hell.

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Doom Eternal
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