DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

2. Story – Doom

Let’s be honest, story has never the been the most important part of a Doom game. Doom 2016 understood this because, the beginning of the game tries to unload some exposition, but the Doom Slayer responds by immediately smashing the console and ripping demons apart instead.

Granted there is a story going on but it’s never the focus. The focus is always on the carnage you can bring onto Hell’s armies.

Doom Eternal tried to put more emphasis on the story to create a more epic experience, but it came across as too serious and kind of confusing.

At first, it seemed simple, you go to Earth to single-handedly take on the armies yourself, and save what’s left of your home planet.

Well, not exactly.

The game gives some insight to the Doom Slayer, his past, and how everything connects to Earth's current situation. In order to fully understand what is going on, the game expects you to read the many collectible files and PDAs, which is something most will probably not do.

Not that a more involved story couldn’t be interesting, but Doom 2016 took a welcomed major shift in the franchise’s tone, going from horror vibe to a more silly, over-the-top action blockbuster vibe.

This recent instalment messes with that tone and it just feels like a weird move on iD's part.

In this post: 
Doom Eternal
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A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.