DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

7. Pacing And Progression – Doom

Doom 2016 doom eternal
iD Software

While Doom 2016 was a great shooter, it's possible that the developers were afraid that players would criticize the repetitive gameplay. Shoot here, glory kill there, rinse and repeat.

So, they decided to add some platforming sections into the game and, for the most part, they were fine. It added some more definition to the 3D map and made finding secrets more challenging.

However, id Software took this as though they should add more platforming puzzles and exploration, which is fine in some parts, but tedious in others. More times than not, players find themselves looking off the edge of a ledge, trying to find out where the level is trying to take them next.

For the most part, these sections just slowed down the game to a crawl.

Sure the platforming was an improvement from 2016, with more swinging and climbing, but we're not here to play Mirror's Edge, we're here to play Doom. Even the developers knew that the platforming would be trial and error because falling in the abyss was no longer game over like the previous game.

Doom 2016 knew that, at the forefront, the action should be priority number one. Anything else should take a backseat.

In this post: 
Doom Eternal
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