DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

6. Difficulty - Doom Eternal

Doom 2016 doom eternal
iD Software

To a lot of seasoned retro-shooter gamers, Doom 2016 was probably a little on the easy side. When you're given a large arsenal of weapons with an even larger ammo depot, the difficulty takes a small dive.

Doom Eternal wanted to fix this problem by giving the Doom Slayer as little ammo as possible and take away his bottomless pistol.

Right off the bat, you're given the shotgun that only hold 18 shells and a chainsaw. If you run out of ammo, use the chainsaw, if you run out of gas, then hope that there are some pickups laying around. Some are split on the higher difficulty, but it does improve the flow of combat. It keeps the action fast-paced and exciting while also forcing the player to strategize each move they make.

Most enemies also have a weak point you can exploit in order swing the odds of survival in your favor. Shooting a revenant's rocket pack or launching a grenade in a cacodemon's mouth with make them easier to dispose of.

You'll want to consider all of these options because one wrong move to be the difference between full health to dying on the spot.

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Doom Eternal
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