DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

5. Boss Battles - Doom Eternal

Doom 2016 doom eternal
Bethesda Softworks

Anybody else get chills when the Cyberdemon broke through the doors, grabbed the Doom Slayer and threw him across the room?

Let's not diminish how great the boss battles were in Doom 2016, because they were a perfect combination of everything the player had experienced in the game so far. However, with the exception of the Hell Guards, the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind were mostly there for our nostalgia.

That's not a bad thing because the entirety of Doom 2016 was suppose to feel like the original 2D game come to the new gaming generation. This just meant that Eternal had more wiggle room for creativity in their boss battles.

The boss fights perfectly fit the game's new difficult tone because each of them required a different strategy. Without extra plasma rifle rounds, you'll be at the mercy of the Doom Hunters and if you don't perfect your aim, the Gladiator will easily get the better of you.

With Doom 2016's boss battles, you could get an idea on how to beat the enemy rather quick and secure a victory. In Eternal, you'll need all the skills at your disposal in hopes of beating them on your third try, at the very best.

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Doom Eternal
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