DOOM Eternal Vs DOOM 2016: Which Is Better?

3. Multiplayer – Doom Eternal

Doom 2016 doom eternal
iD Software

One of the biggest criticisms of 2016’s Doom was the less than impressive multiplayer.

It didn’t deliver what was initially promised and what we got were boring generic game modes (Freeze Tag, King of the Hill and Domination) with flawed progression systems. Soon labelled an abandonment of new ideas, the lobbies quickly turned into a ghost town.

Doom Eternal tried something very different: Competitive cooperative multiplayer and... this is probably going to divide a lot of players.

Eternal’s Battlemode pits two players playing as demons against another who controls the Doom Slayer. Some might say this is a creative mix of cooperative gameplay and others might be a little underwhelmed that it just adds more players to an experience the campaign already gives.

Regardless, Battlemode can add to the quick-thinking, strategy feel of the combat because demon players can summon smaller enemies to the battlefield, block the Slayer’s ability to pick up loot or health, and even create traps.

However, much like normal gameplay, this multiplayer has a steep learning curve as well. When roaming the battle, you’ll be scrambling to remember how to set a trap or summon more allies that you might meet the end of a shotgun before you figure it out.

While not impossible, it does make it tough to get good.

Still, while it does take a while to get the hang of things, it's more entertaining than Doom 2016's multiplayer.

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Doom Eternal
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