Dota 2: 10 Most Fun Heroes You Must Play As

6. Nyx Assassin

Nyxnyxnyxnyx your way to victory with Nyx Assassin's versatile and endlessly frustrating (for opponents) skill set. Of all the stealth gankers in Dota 2, Nyx Assassin is the most well equipped for complete domination. There are those blasphemous players who say that Nyx can be played as a support hero, but that's like buying a sports car and living near a school zone. Not only can Nyx become invisible when he hits level six, but that invisibility comes with sides of bonus movement speed and an attack bonus coming out of stealth. Nyx took a bit of a hit in recent patches with Impale being nerfed, but Nyx is still a great option when you want to rack up the kills. Impale is still a great stun, but now it takes a little more effort to land it. His Mana Burn skill is still a great damage dealer to enemy Intelligence heroes and Spiked Carapace will induce rage as you escape from certain death. Another great thing about Nyx Assassin is that he does not need that many items to be great. Nyx needs four items: Bottle, Arcane Boots, Dagon, and Ethereal Blade. Once those items are farmed and in the inventory, Nyx Assassin's damage output is too great for many teams to recover.
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