Dragon Ball FighterZ: 8 Overpowered Characters That Need Fixing

3. Kid Buu

Goku Black dragon ball fighterz
Arc System Works

Alright, hands at the ready: who can honestly confirm with confidence that they've participated in a match against Kid Buu that hasn't resulted in a sodium overdose? No limbs will rise in admission this day - Kid Buu is anti-fun incarnate.

Packing a bloated, flawless moveset, insane speed, best-in-class pressure game and a stalwart defence - not that you'll ever witness him blocking - Kid Buu would be much more palatable if Arc System would commit to one simple change:

Make his smaller stature a curse, rather than a blessing.

After all, why should the pint-sized embodiment of unbridled evil get off scot-free, when both Krillin and Gotenks have to deal with the cons of owning stubby limbs? It's somewhat understandable, given that Arc System will have wanted to stay true to the source material by allowing the pudgy pink brat to extend his limbs around the screen at will, but in doing so, it patched up his only built-in weakness.

Whether a reach reduction is the route Arc should opt to pursue remains to be seen, but something's got to give, or else it won't be the colour red that perturbed fighter fans will be seeing.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.