Dragon Ball FighterZ Season 4: 8 Characters Fans Demand

3. Omega Shenron

Dragon Ball FighterZ Raditz
Fuji TV

When Dragon Ball FighterZ was first released, hot off the back of the release of Dragon Ball Super, it was initially considered unlikely that any characters from the heavily divisive Dragon Ball GT would appear in the game.

Since then however, Dragon Ball FighterZ has proved it has a lot of love for fans of Dragon Ball GT, with three characters from the spin-off show popping up across its season passes. So it's only natural that ArcSys would include SSJ4 Gogeta's nemesis in an upcoming pass, if only to balance out the GT representation.

Move-wise, Omega Shenron has so many unique abilities it would be hard to distill them down to just one fighter. Having absorbed the powers of every Shadow Dragon, Omega has access to electricity, ice, and heat powers, amongst several other unique powers of his own.

It could also be interesting, much like Super Baby and SSJ4 Gogeta, to give Omega a unique mechanic of his own - allowing him to grow stronger the more Dragon Balls are currently in play. This could make him a great anchor character, allowing him to be absolutely broken once all 7 Dragon Balls have been acquired.


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