E3 2014: 7 Reasons To Pay Attention This Year

1. The Unexpected Announcements

Seeing previously-confirmed games at previous E3s is pretty common in the opening press conferences, but no one minds them being there because everyone is waiting for something brand new and totally unexpected to be announced. And with the dawning of a new console generation, those announcements are coming more and more frequently. The importance of the unexpected announcement cannot be understated. For example, Watch Dogs leapt into the stratosphere of anticipation and discussion when it was first revealed at E3 2012, because it was a brand new intellectual property and it showed the possibilities of next gen gaming. Gamers - much like fans of any genre or medium - like to be surprised by something new and exciting. That€™s especially true in an era where it seems like close to 50% of new games are sequels or spinoffs of earlier games. And this year, the unexpected announcements have a bigger impact than ever thanks to every other entry on this list, making this prime-time to bring out new, never-before-seen games. With the underwhelming first wave of next gen titles, gamers are looking for anything that would seem like a definitive step up in sophistication. Whoever can generate the most excitement with their announcements has an edge over the competition and seeing these titans of gaming jockeying for position is certainly worth keeping an eye on. Will you be watching E3 2014? Do you think it€™ll be a major game changer in the console race? Let us know below!
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Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.