E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

1. Final Fantasy VII Gets A Full HD Remake

They're actually doing it - a full on Final Fantasy VII remake for PS4, just don't get too carried away - the reality is you won't be seeing it for a good few years. So last year, Sony had the bright idea at their PlayStation Experience of unveiling "Final Fantasy VII on PS4" (cue euphoric audience reaction) only for the reality to be a PC port of the original (the seething hatred thereafter being so potent you could bottle it). So, cut to this year and the Japanese giants have clearly been in touch with Square to say "Hey, can you guys actually do this?" to which they've thrown out an - admittedly very nice-looking - CG trailer, with nothing else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kznek1uNVsg Granted, at time of writing the Square conference is still to come, so look for clarification on the project then, but considering the official press release states they've just "Begun production" on FF VII now - and the fact the studio have denied wanting to do it for years - means you shouldn't expect to see anything in working form for quite some time. And that's if they can even pull it off. The last main turn-based Final Fantasy was 2001's X after all, and since then it's been hack n' slash city as far as latest instalment XV is concerned. Just don't touch the Materia system and everything will be okay, right? What do you make of all the announcements? Let us know in the comments what you're excited for, and if anything disappointed you!
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Sony E3 2015
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