E3 2017: 22 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Reveals You Need To Know About

19. Spider-Man (Gameplay)

Announced last year with truly minimal gameplay (it always looked pre-rendered, anyway), Sony closed out their conference with a sizeable chunk of what is now simply called, Spider-Man.

In all honesty, gameplay resembled the Arkham franchise perhaps a little bit too much considering how long in the tooth Rocksteady's formulae has become, but as for showing off just how stunning the Wall-Crawler's animations can look, this was a big win.

Specifically, you'll be darting to contextual vantage points, creating distractions, taking out goons with cool animations and indulging in what looks to be the same satisfying combat model we've had for the past eight years. Outside of that, we did see some fantastic swinging through New York, though in honesty, Spidey could do with a speed and weight upgrade when it came to the pace of the entire set-piece.

Regardless, Spider-Man on PS4 is shaping up rather nicely, and there's still plenty time left until that vaguely 2018 release date.

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