E3 2018: 10 Announcements That Would Change Everything

7. Rocksteady Are Making A Superman Game

E3 Ps5

Rocksteady have been pretty much silent since the release of Arkham Knight, but that doesn't mean they aren't working on something huge. Something... super?

With a lot of leaks and rumours pointing to the existence of this indeed being true, a Superman game by Rocksteady wouldn't be a huge surprise. Despite this, if the game looks like it will be as good and faithful as the Batman games, it could be one of the most exciting games at E3.

It'd be pretty good to finally see this rumour put to bed too. Since Rocksteady released the last Batman game, there have been endless rumours about a Damian Wayne game, a Suicide Squad game and most notably, the long-awaited Superman game.

It helps that we haven't ever really seen a good Superman game (a gaming franchise which has become poison since the N64 fiasco), which makes the existence of this one even more exciting if it's true. Who better than Rocksteady?

If this ends up being true, Insomniac Games need to watch out and make sure they aren't overshadowed by the Man of Steel.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.