E3 2018: 10 Announcements That Would Change Everything

6. Fable 4 Makes Us All Want An Xbox One

E3 Ps5

Fable 4 is another rumoured title from Microsoft, and if the rumours are to be believed, it could be a very exciting game.

If Fable 4 managed to not only revive the franchise and entice those without an Xbox One, that would be incredible.

The fact that Fable 4 is supposedly being developed by Playground Games is another reason to get excited. The Forza Horizon developers really know how to create an expansive game focused on fun, which is exactly what the Fable franchise needs when it returns.

The biggest thing that Fable 4 can do for Microsoft is actually give players outside of the Xbox circle a reason to want the console. The Xbox One doesn't really have a system seller, but Fable 4 might just be diverse enough to be that. If this E3 can shine a sizeable spotlight on it, it could be even bigger than a new Halo.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.