E3 2018: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From Bethesda's Conference

1. That Totally Pointless Elder Scrolls VI Announcement

The Elder Scrolls VI

It's not exactly a secret that Bethesda is working on the first mainline Elder Scrolls game since 2012's Skyrim, but it was still pretty surprising to see the game officially announced... albeit with an incredibly underwhelming logo reveal.

The 35-second cinematic trailer simply reveals a sprawling vista - presumably Tamriel - before the game's logo appears... and that's it. The visual itself was a fairly generic, unremarkable look at the map, while Bethesda didn't even bother revealing the game's full title.

Considering that director Todd Howard stated the game wouldn't be out until after Starfield, which is a next-gen game, you probably shouldn't be expecting Elder Scrolls VI any earlier than 2021 at the absolute soonest.

You can argue that Bethesda made this announcement to placate their salivating fanbase, but it also reeks of announcing far too soon, especially if they weren't even ready to reveal the full name yet.

As disappointing as much of Bethesda's show was, though, they did make some undeniably neat announcements and reveals. Here's what really worked...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.