E3 2018: Every Conference Ranked Worst To Best

4. Ubisoft

The Division 2

This was a totally typical Ubisoft conference as expected: kind of embarrassing in places (though less so than in recent years) with a big focus on extremely familiar AAA franchises.

Disappointingly there weren't any big new game reveals from the likes of Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia or Watch Dogs 3, and the over-abundance of cinematic trailers quickly became exhausting. Plus, unless you're really into Assassin's Creed, the Odyssey extended look was a bit of a flat way to end the show.

Still, the Trials Rising announcement was awesome, Beyond Good and Evil 2 continues to be by far Ubisoft's most intriguing upcoming project, and getting back into bed with Nintendo for Mario + Rabbids Donkey Kong DLC and a Star Fox-themed version of Starlink: Battle for Atlas sure isn't bad.

And whether it was for you or not, their extensive, continued support for Rainbow Six Siege and For Honor should definitely be lauded. Neither among Ubi's best or worst-ever E3 shows, this was basically fine.

Rating: 6/10

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E3 2018
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.