E3 2018: Predicting Release Dates For The Biggest Games

10. Ghost Of Tsushima

Ghost Of Tsushima

Sucker Punch's eye-wateringly gorgeous samurai actioner has clearly been in development for quite some time, though the lack of a release date announcement at E3 ensures it won't be landing in 2018 as earlier rumours suggested.

It's quite probable the game will get dated before the year is out, though, either at Paris Games Week or PSX. It's clearly in a substantial state of production, and so the game still not being released by next year's E3 seems quite unlikely.

Prediction: April 19, 2019. This release period worked incredibly well for God of War, and it'd still give Sucker Punch close to a year to tune the game up, while skirting clear of both the busiest spring and summer periods. Plus, never underestimate the strength of the 4/20 crowd.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.