E3 2019: 10 Rumoured Video Games You Need To Know About

7. The Next Bioshock

Avengers Project E3 2019

This would be Bioshock 4, following the chronology, but considering the games were the sensibly titled ‘Bioshock’ and ‘Bioshock 2’ before leaping ahead to ‘Bioshock Infinite’, they might be best off ditching the number system. Though Infinite has a divisive ending, it was at least a definitive one, and it seemed like franchise had reached its conclusion.

Recently though, talk of another Bioshock is on the horizon. 2K Games called it ‘unquestionably a permanent franchise’, while Mafia 3 developers Hangar 13 are allegedly making Bioshock under the code name ‘Parkside’, though nothing else is known.

There’s certainly a lot they can do with the premise, and in ‘always a lighthouse, always a man, always a city’ they have clear building blocks going forward. ‘Would you kindly’ Is still one of the best narrative twists gaming has ever produced, and maybe now that we’re aware of the main multiverse consistencies, they can do more with it.

We’ve already had games underwater and in the clouds, so what’s next? They could lean into the steampunk vibes and set it in a Victorian style city, or clash against that and have it as an outer space colony.

The possibilities are infinite - at least for now.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)