EGX 2015: 8 Unexpectedly Good Video Games That Blew Us Away

7. Monsters And Monocles

Sometimes there's nothing you want more than a lot of guns, some 8-Bit graphics, kooky characters and a whole bunch of monsters to take down. Monsters and Monocles, then, is exactly what you're looking for. Developed by a couple of friends that wanted something short and simple to play when they're all online at the same time, M&M let's you burn, shoot, impale, and generally eviscerate a plethora of creative creatures. One of the best things about this game is just how mindless the fun really is. There isn't a particular need for excessive tactics or complex strategy - just pick up the best gun you can find in each level, and keep going until you eventually get ripped apart by a monster or you blow your way to victory. There's something quite charming in this simplicity, and for people that like to use video games as catharsis after a particularly stressful day, Monsters and Monocles will be particularly satisfying. Currently the game is still under production, so you won't be able to blast your way through monster guts just yet, but from what we've seen, it will definitely be worth the wait.

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