Elden Ring: 6 Key Gameplay Details We Want To See

3. Online Factions

Elden Ring

FromSoftware’s attempts at PvP and co-op aren’t exactly their USP. While they tend to be a lot of fun when actually fighting another player or taking down a boss with a friend, the online mechanics tend to be too specific and hidden to be properly realised to their full potential.

The covenants of Dark Souls could be transformed into something beautiful in Elden Ring if the developers play their cards right and as a result we could be looking at Elden Ring as the next step in a new era of fantastic MMO games.

FromSoft would have to tread the line carefully though, as not to detract from the story or single-player journey. Perhaps one of Elden Ring's worlds could be dedicated to a massive online hub, with seamless transitions in and out that wouldn't jar with the overall story.

Just imagine: warring against other factions online for territory resulting in a massive, bloody, immensely satisfying battlefield. It's a big ask, granted.

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Elden Ring
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