The Elder Scrolls: 10 Crazy Secrets (That You Totally Have To Check Out)

9. Makes-Many-Soups

Game: Online To find this brilliant Seinfeld reference, first make your way to Eastmarch. With the Eastmarch region lies Jorunn's Stand, a camp just north of The Rift Gate. Once there, you'll find an Argonian chef going by the (very fitting) name of Makes-Many-Soups. If you ask her how many soups you're allowed, she'll angrily exclaim, "Today, only one soup." If you complain about the low number of liquid nutrition, she'll go on to say, "If you are too greedy, you get no soup at all!" This will be instantly familiar to fans of Seinfeld as a hilarious reference to the Soup Nazi. This was a memorable side character that would often shout, "No soup for you!" for just about any reason he could find.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.