Elder Scrolls: 5 Things To Thank Oblivion For (And 5 That Sucked)
7. Bad - Voice Acting

Look at this star-studded cast of voice actors, Sean Bean, Lynda Carta and Patrick Stewart to name a few. How could you ever complain about the voice acting, well you won’t be talking to these people much.
A bit of a spoiler I suppose, but Patrick Stewart is killed off in the first 10 minutes. We all know it should have been Sean Bean.
Most of the time you are going from town to town taking quests from the general population and these people are all voiced by a limited number of actors. It won’t be long until you start to notice the repeating voices, there seems to be one voice type for each race and gender and that’s about it.
There were some stand out example of good voice acting, Wes Johnson as Lucien Lachance for example, but these voices are few and far between. The voice actors did well with the job they had, but the repeating voices along with the occasional audio glitch of a redone line really lowered the quality of the game’s audio.