Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

6. Better NPCs

The Elder Scrolls 6

The NPCs in Skyrim are the weakest part of the game. There are lots of them, but your interactions with them just leave you wanting.

You often feel like you’re talking to robots, using the same lines over and over. The same passing comments said by guards on opposite sides of the world, the same voice actors for multiple characters.

After a few hours in Skyrim, you notice the same faces and voices repeated in different areas of the game. After close to a hundred hours, you will likely never hear a new voice again. This is one of the biggest immersion breakers for the game, if not the biggest. You soon remember that you are playing a game and speaking to NPCs that are there for you, not just there in general.

Games like The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2 show us what is possible with a talented and motivated team of game developers who are centred around NPC interactivity.

NPCs in these games aren't just static placeholders waiting for you to come and pick a quest up off them. Instead, they're full of character, colour, and charisma. They feel like an actual part of the world and engage with you in creative ways.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.