Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

5. Better Equipment Customisation And Variety

The Elder Scrolls 6

Skyrim had a good number of weapons and weapon types. From bows and daggers for your sneaky thief and fleet-footed assassin types, to heavy longswords and battleaxes for your hardened Nord warriors.

The only issue is that it did not have much in between or many choices for customisation. It did not give you the tools to make a weapon truly yours, and nothing felt unique. Even most of the unique weapons were just slightly different variants of a pre-existing weapon (with some exceptions).

The same could be said for armour. There were plenty of different pieces of armour, but none of them felt unique. The faction armours were cool, but still not unique. Just like the weapons, there is little room for customisation and no real way of making something uniquely yours.

The Elder Scrolls 6 would benefit from an overhauled weapon system that provides more variety and choice.

It should also have better crafting and more customisation options, with the ability to craft weapons and armour from gathered, bought or created parts. There is just something about building your very own greatsword from the pommel upwards that is so satisfying.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.