Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

4. Better Character Creation

The Elder Scrolls 6

Oblivion's character creation system was one of the best in the series and gave that real RPG feel to the game.

The ability to pick classes and birth signs gave the player the chance to tailor the character to the specific needs of their play style. It gave you options that genuinely affected your playthrough, and didn’t feel like it was there just for storytelling purposes.

The character creation in Skyrim wasn't bad, but was lacking in depth, unlike the previous games. With TES 6, Bethesda needs to return to their RPG roots and allow the player to tweak every aspect of their character.

In Skyrim, it feels like race is the most important part of your character. Your race determines what skill bonuses you receive and what strengths and weaknesses you possess.

This is all well and good, but what if you wanted to be a masterful Khajit Wizard and didn’t want to have to play as a high elf just for the magicka boost? Extra customisation is a sure way to make sure this isn't an issue.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.