Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

3. Better Magic

The Elder Scrolls 6

The magic in Skyrim was good. Even if your character was not a mage, there was probably a school of magic that they could make use of, like illusion for the sneak thief or restoration for the one-handed warrior.

The (minor) issue is that the magic was lacking complexity. Magicka drained as you used spells. The higher the skill level of the spell, the more magicka that it cost. The better your talent in a particular school of magic, the less used for spells of that type. All very simple.

In The Elder Scrolls 6, they could remodel the magic system entirely. Instead of giving elven characters a straight-up magicka boost, certain races could have access to race-specific spells straight away, whereas other races have to work hard to learn them and vice versa.

It could be the case that as the players magicka increases their spells not only become stronger but also have different, more impressive animations.

Having the ability to craft your own spells is a must for diehard mages out there, so let's hope we see that too.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.