Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

2. No “Chosen One” Storyline

The Elder Scrolls 6

The majority of Bethesdas RPGs thrust you into predefined this storyline, making you the unaware "Chosen One" that has to discover their real power and defeat some mighty evil.

In Skyrim, you were the Dragonborn, with dragon blood running through your veins and giving you the power needed to overthrow the evil Alduin and save the world. In Oblivion, you are the prisoner turned "Hero of Kvatch", the Hero that the Emperor's dream foretold would "close shut the jaws of Oblivion" and save the world.

Do we have to keep saving the world? Can't we just be the ruler of nowhere, chosen one of nothing?

To give the player a choice to take their story wherever they want is the true meaning of an RPG. To become as significant (or insignificant) as you like. To be as rich (or poor) as you want.

Sure, for narrative purposes there is usually a main storyline with an antagonist that needs defeating by a protagonist, but does that protagonist have to be us?

Maybe we can be a lowly villager that is affected by the events of the world until we feel compelled to take action? Perhaps one of the friends that we make in our travels turns out to be the protagonist and we are just along for the ride? What if the choices we make actually turn is into the bad guy without us realising? The possibilities are endless.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.