Elder Scrolls: Every Daedra Lord RANKED From Worst To Best

13. Namira

elder scrolls mephala

Namira, the Mistress of Decay, is Prince of sundry, dark, and shadowy spirits, and also happens to be patron to the cannibals of Tamriel. Suffice to say, things are starting to warm up.

Take the quest they offer in Oblivion: a group of fanatics, called the Forgotten Ones, dwell in the depths of a ruin. Some Priests are going to 'save' the Forgotten Ones by bringing light to the ruin.

Namira grants you a spell to use on the priest, but you must let the Forgotten Ones finish them off.

It is similar to, but a damn sight more interesting than the old 'go here, kill this' quest type; it adds some lore, raises some questions to dwell on (who are the Forgotten Ones exactly? Tell me more!), and finishes off by giving you a Daedra's artefact.

Namira is one of the first Daedra on this list to venture into more dynamic, interesting storytelling, with quests that pertain directly to the lore you are told, rather than feeling box standard. Plus, having their ring in Skyrim lets you eat corpses.

What more can you ask for?


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.