Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Improve Everything

7. Minimise The Lag

Expecting any developer to complete rid their game of bugs and lag is still, sadly, just unreasonable. One heavily reported issue that many Skyrim players complained which should be avoidable in future, however, is that of major lag issues affecting the game for large save files and even some of the bigger update files. A game as grand and involving as an Elder Scrolls title simply must be able to cope once a save file reaches the triple-figure hour mark. Players at Eurogamer.net conducted test examples under various different conditions to see where lag affected most Skyrim players, and found a worryingly heavy trend of large save files and certain patches leaving players with frame rate drops and major lag in heavily populated areas. Considering a lot of the more important Skyrim quests take place in very built-up and graphically testing areas, this is a major concern to the gameplay. Now one can only hope that the next Elder Scrolls title won't actually need as many patch updates, removing this as an issue without input after release. The larger save files experiencing lag is something that absolutely has to be addressed, however, given that the game is likely to include more activity and opportunity to plough hundreds of hours into the game than ever before. No one wants to work their Elder Scrolls game to death!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.