Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Simple Fixes That Would Improve Everything

5. Solve The Broken Quests

One of the internet's most voiced Skyrim issues is that of broken, unfinishable quests that many players have encountered during their adventures. Most worrying of all was the vast range of quests that players had issues with; it was never just one quest that everyone complained about, but instead there were a number of activities that could break various quests within the course of the game. From not being able to remove crucial items from inventories right through to seeing supposedly vital NPCs killed off through events outside the players' control, there were so many ways that so many quests became unfinishable. While one or two broken side quests here or there may not sound like much to some players, there will be some out there who experienced these problems with major story quests or important guild missions. Having to start the entire game over again with a new character just to reinstate one quest is not something any player will want to have to do in Elder Scrolls VI. Some simple solutions like having a separate area of the player's inventory for quest items and guaranteeing that important quest givers cannot stumble into the wrong areas of the game's world would make huge strides toward avoiding broken quests in future games. It should perhaps just be considered a lesson for the future and the minuscule errors that allowed these breaks in the game should be employed as guidelines on preventing similar problems from re-occurring. Whatever way Bethesda wish to look at it, this is one issue they will certainly want to avoid for the next title.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.