Every Cancelled Super Mario Game - Ranked

3. Super Mario Wacky Worlds

Super Mario World was released back in 1990 as a sequel to Super Mario Bros. 3, both of which are widely seen as being amongst the very best games ever released. Another title destined for the ill-fated CD-I console, Super Mario Wacky Worlds was intended to be the sequel to Mario World and began development by NovaLogic in 1992.

Instead of traversing through the Mushroom and Dinosaur Kingdoms from the previous games, Super Mario Wacky Worlds would have featured levels designed around a series of real world locations.

From pyramids in Egypt, to the huge ruins of ancient Greece, all of the game's levels were drawn by hand by the developers at NovaLogic and would have eventually featured the Mario staples of running and swimming levels.

Though the demos of the game haven't been too well received, with most criticism going towards the fact that real world settings are hardly 'wacky', it could have been interesting to see what else NovaLogic had up their sleeves. The poor sales of the Phillips CD-I would once again spell the end for Wacky Worlds and its development, ultimately being cancelled in 1993.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.