Every Cancelled Super Mario Game - Ranked

2. Super Mario 128

Super Mario 128 is the code name for a couple of Nintendo's most ambitious cancelled projects over the course of the 1990s and 2000s.

Following the success of Mario 64, rumours began circulating over what Nintendo's next game would involve. Having helped transform the video gaming world with its vibrant level design and unique 3D platforming, there were many avenues Nintendo dabbled with following 1996.

Once it became clear that a Super Mario 64 sequel was not on the cards, the name Super Mario 128 was then used by Nintendo to describe a technical demonstration of their new console and its capabilities.

At the 2001 Space World event, a demonstration of Mario 128 was shown by Nintendo, featuring a 2D version of the plumber splitting off into 128 different versions of himself as the circular board was spun, tilted and manipulated.

Built up as one of the most hyped games of the early 2000s by many publications, development of Mario 128 was eventually split between the game and Super Mario Sunshine. Eventually, the game's ambition kept it in the developmental shadows during the Gamecube's lifetime, and the title has remained unreleased ever since.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.