Every Indiana Jones Video Game Ranked Worst To Best

6. Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine

Indiana Jones NES

As the first true 3D Indiana Jones experience, the Infernal Machine launched amid the Star Wars: Episode 1 craze that led to a ton of new games released by LucasArts. It also released at a time when a new adventurer had taken the video game market by storm, aka one Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider series. That franchise had set the bar high for new open 3D action games and to their credit, LucasArts pulled off an admirable effort in Indy's return to consoles.

It's 1947, some years after the events of the Last Crusade, players find a semi-retired Indiana Jones living life well away from adventure, until the CIA come calling asking for aid once a strange Soviet-led mission to the ruins of the Tower of Babel is uncovered.

Plenty of the usual Indy fare occurs (including, who would have guessed, more snakes), but the Infernal Machine is arguably more well known for how you purchased its Nintendo 64 port rather than how you played.

Exclusively released in the US, you had to go through either a Blockbuster video store or LucasArts directly to obtain a copy, with planned N64 European and PlayStation editions both scrapped during production.

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Born in Ireland and raised in Australia, Mark still wishes his Tetris and Mario Kart skills could translate to the real world more than just writing about games for nearly 20 years. Still, can't complain.