Every Indiana Jones Video Game Ranked Worst To Best

12. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade: The Action Game

Indiana Jones NES

One of two major releases based on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, this action specific edition focused on combat and platforming across a handful of levels that cover Indy's attempts at recovering the Holy Grail.

Released across a number of different platforms including the Game Boy, NES, Commodore 64 and even the Sega Game Gear, here you're taken through each level in a more traditional side-scrolling adventure, including a chance to play as the young Indiana as originally portrayed by River Phoenix (though strangely, some versions of the game omitted that character design).

For its time, The Action Game is one of the better looking titles based on the movie trilogy, though it may also be remembered for being entirely too difficult for some even on the first level alone. Some ports also struggled to translate the same experience visually, especially on the less powerful handhelds, and all told there were only four levels to play through.

A majority of the screen was also taken up by a rather large logo and the face of Indiana himself, limiting the viewable field of each level. Granted, it's a very handsome face, but that's beside the point.

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Born in Ireland and raised in Australia, Mark still wishes his Tetris and Mario Kart skills could translate to the real world more than just writing about games for nearly 20 years. Still, can't complain.