Every Major PS4 Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Driveclub

Driveclub ps4
Sony Computer Entertainment

You really have to feel for the guys over at Evolution Studios. Despite eventually releasing a driving game that has some of the best graphics, weather effects and handling in history, they missed their initial launch window and had to walk back the promise of releasing fully on PS Plus, the final nail coming from Sony, who canned them shortly thereafter.

Citing the need to create a "competitive landscape" between their first-party studios, the reality was that Driveclub just didn't catch on - either through marketing or all those buggy original releases.

Thankfully, if you're revisiting today you'll feel the benefit of months' worth of patches, the addition of bikes and tons of customisation options to get stuck into. Driveclub was bred to take down Forza, and though it now lies resting in a retirement home after being knocked out in the first round, is still worth a visit.

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