Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

15. Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 90

Last Year's Rating: 89

Elevation to the main event picture on a more regular basis means Ambrose gets a boost up into the 90 bracket to join fellow former Shield member Seth Rollins. He looks mostly the same as last year, which isn't a terrible thing as he was amongst the best scans then too. Will Bret Hart enjoy being on the same footing as him?

14. The Undertaker '91

The Undertaker 91 WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 91

Last Year's Rating: N/A

Taking nothing away from Taker's win over Hogan to become WWE's youngest ever champ, in the context of the rest of the game's ratings, having him shoulder-to-shoulder with The Rock and Macho Man among others is little charitable. Sure he was a force at the time, but his first run was built on the back of beating predominantly jobbers, so it's a little skewed.

Pretty good look though.

13. The Rock '01

WWE 2K17 The Rock 01
2K Games

Rating: 91

Last Year's Rating: 91

The Rock '93 was included last time out, but it's a close enough comparison point: clearly 2K still have a strong opinion of the early 00s Rocky, and rightly so.

Should he be above Flair and Macho Man? Possibly, but it's easy to remember his heyday as more important than theirs when it's not strictly the case. Still, above 90 is right.

12. Ric Flair

Ric Flair WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 91

Last Year's Rating: 89

Despite some difficulties away from the ring, the Flair stuck has risen nicely this year thanks to Charlotte's main eventing stint, and it seems it's rubbed off on her old dad, who gets a lift to 91.

Having him at the same level as Randy Savage feels right at the very least. And he's not the worst looker in the pack.

11. Randy Savage

Randy Savage WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 91

Last Year's Rating: 90

The super-powered legend obviously deserves a plus 90 rating in every game now that he's sadly passed on (and because of the small matter of his brilliance, of course). 91 might be a touch on the low side, but there's some politics involved in who occupies the top 10 slots (and some narrative concerns too), so it's not a massive deal.

He also looks very good, with particular work having gone into his physique and unique shininess, somehow.

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